To find our distance In Kilometers paddler for the year 2024/2025
Start Date is Saturday 3rd August
Included this season will be All Regatta distances accumulative.
Distance Paddled in Kilometers
Margaret Cousins 109
Di Richardson 98
Jan Marshall 95
Helen Dornom 83
Janet Little 80
Ken Tavui 77
Gael Hope 76
Peter James 74
George Plumb 73
Glen Trevena 68
Karina Damschke 68
Damien Williams 65
Geoff Campbell 56
Leonie Orr 55
Bernadette Young 47
Kelley James 42
Julie Ruffles 41
Jo Page 34
Wendy Elderidge 30
Val Smith 29
Lyn Apap 29
Veronica Mc Naught 28
Cathy Campbell 25
Carolyn Prosser 23
Max Little 17
Jo Walker 17
Di Strachan 16
Michelle Church 16
David Rokesky 16
Felicity Charles 14
Arnold Kramer 8
Leitecia Harmer 4
Tracey Lloyd
Bezz Talbot
Vicky Martin